First released in 1994 for Sega Mega Drive/Sega Genesis, Zero Tolerance sets players in a distant future where the universe has to face an alien invasion. That's when the Zero Tolerance team is being called to protect mankind from the enemy!
The name Zero Tolerance refers to an elite squad specially trained composed by five members that are available to choose in the beginning of the game, each one with their own unique weapons and skills that completely changes the way you play through the levels in the game.
The QUByte Classics version includes 3 games: Zero Tolerance, Zero Tolerance Underground and an unreleased demo called Zero Tolerance Beyond, which can be unlocked by finishing one of the two other games.
Zero Tolerance was originally developed by the first independent game developer, Technopop, and published by Accolade. Technopop was funded by Randel Reiss, who is the owner of the "Zero Tolerance".
• +40 unique levels to complete;
• Classic FPS action and adrenaline;
• Environment completely in 3D with a 360 degree perspective;
• 5 save state slots per game;
• Filters and screen types;